Welcome! I hope you will find my ramblings entertaining, informative and maybe even uplifting. You will find entries on homeschool curriculum reviews, concerns and questions as I try to organize my life with three ever growing and changing boys. I will also write about gardening, quilting and scripture. Why? Well, I need a place to put all my crazy thoughts! You are welcome to comment all your crazy ones too... ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011


If you head on over to Home Educating Family's website you will find an awesome give-away for Deeper Roots Bible study for middle schoolers or high schoolers.  You will also receive a bonus subscription to Home Education Magazine!  This is an amazing give-away and also comes with a student planner for  your child to use in keeping themselves organized throughout their school year.  It does more than that though! Daily Scriptures to help keep your child's focus heavenward!

While you are there, check out their planners for YOU!! I promise you, you will not regret ever using their yearly planners!  I've used my own creations in the past, some that are sold in office supply stores (honestly, how could a teacher use these? YUCK!) and I've seen some for sale that come with so many bells and whistles I think I'll never get to actually planning everything.  Is there such thing as toooooooo organized? I don't need a section for nail clipping and how to organize a bread box.  Well, maybe...but not what I want to pay for!  Not to mention, some of these other "great planners" you pay for but then have to print up for yourself.  Last I knew, paper and ink don't come cheap and I don't have time to sit here and flip paper over to make sure both side get printed in the right direction and in the right order...ARGH!!  All while a house full of boys all under 11 swing from the rafters!  Actually, we don't have rafters here but if I did there would be boys hanging from them! 

Anyway, I found The Well-Planned Day and it is absolutely THE best planner!  Take a look, you won't be sorry, you will be blessed, happy and amazed that something so practical, pretty and functional could be inexpensive and make your school year that much more wonderful!  Thanks for reading and get on over there!!! 

PS: Also while you are there, check out their magazine!  Another amazing offering from this wonderful family.  I love their articles and enjoy that it's not all about how bad the public school systems are but how wonderful homeschooling is! ;)