Welcome! I hope you will find my ramblings entertaining, informative and maybe even uplifting. You will find entries on homeschool curriculum reviews, concerns and questions as I try to organize my life with three ever growing and changing boys. I will also write about gardening, quilting and scripture. Why? Well, I need a place to put all my crazy thoughts! You are welcome to comment all your crazy ones too... ;)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Resurrection Weekend

Ok, so normally Resurrection Weekend is spent much differently that this year.  NORMALLY we start with placing decorations around the house, baking yummy things, coloring eggs, and making marshmallow "tombs" that tell of Jesus and the wonderful gift of salvation that He gives.  We read the scriptures and have a wonderful time of prayer and rejoicing, baskets and treats, and a wonderful meal with our family.  *sigh*. Not so much this year.

My poor hubs while pruning our apple trees Friday morning (taking a much needed day out of work) fell off the ladder and thought he was grabbing a branch....it wasn't a branch but a very sharp saw.  Lots of blood and a disaster later, we were seated in the ER getting his hand stitched back together.  Then, off to a surgeon specialist.  All things considered, the whole affair took 6 hours and we were home with pain meds, antibiotics and one very sad in sore hubby. :(  That was Friday.  Dinner was made and we all collapsed in a heap on the couches exhausted, mostly mentally, from the shock and whirlwind of the day. All the shopping that I was to do that day was gone....I'd been too sick myself earlier in the week to do it then.

Saturday...hubs is feeling better so what does he do?  Back up in the trees I find him.  Like one hand injured wasn't bad enough???? So I put off the errands and shopping again and helped him so I could make sure he didn't lose another limb...and I'm not talking trees here. >:/  Then I needed to prune the blueberries, take the trash to the dump, clean up and THEN go shopping.  Sandwiches for dinner when I finally got home.  Again, exhausted.  We did color eggs though and how 3 boys can go through eggs!!!! We colored 36 eggs and it was done in 20 minutes!  Can you believe that?  Still, I was glad to have them done for the next day egg-hunt.  Hubs was not feeling well and had a fever so everyone went to bed early and left me flat.  I packed baskets and hid them for Sunday morning.  We have a tradtion that goes back to my childhood.  As children, we hide our baskets and parents have to find them.  Once the parent's find them, we fill them and re-hide them somewhere else and the kids have to find them Easter Morning.  My parents started this tradition and I keep it going.  It's fun but with boys, you must make ground rules or you might be looking until 3 am for them!!!  I'll have to post that story another time! :)

Sunday, it's early morning, the sun is shining and I can't wait to share the day!  What a wonderful day to rejoice in! The sun is shining again and it's almost 60! Gorgeous! Baskets, chocolate, eggs, family, Jesus is alive! I am so excited to share this with....wait....where's my hubs?  Why is he up so early?  Hmmmm.....must be feeling better so got up early.....no, I hear the TV.  Hmmmm....No coffee is made.  What's this?  He's curled up on the couch in my blanket?!  I need to make him his own....but I digress.  My hubs never curls up on the couch in ANY blanket.  "Good morning Hon!"....him, "grmph".  "How are you feeling?"...him, "umph (or something like that) TERRIBLE!!" Oh no! I take him temp. he's 100F.  He is sore, achy all over and just miserable.  His color is terrible and he looks like a wreck.  Time to call the doctor.  I call the surgeon as my hub's hand is so bandaged and we are NOT to unwrap it, he could be infected and we'd never know.  My guess is it's not the hand, it's either the shot they gave him or a reaction to the antibiotic he's on.  What little is showing of his hand is not swollen, painful or anything.  BUT! We are then off again to the Dr.  Great guy, met us in his office on Easter Sunday just to make sure!  Several hours later we are on our way home.  So much for our morning of Hot Cross Buns, eggs, bacon and fruit salad with praises to Jesus! I call my mom as we were supposed to go to her house for dinner.  Can you come here instead?  Sure, just come help me for a bit.  I drive to her home and help her unload so much stuff for my grandmother who is moving in with them I am overwhelmed!  That's a blog in and of itself!  I then load up the food, drive to my messy home and organize the troops!  Boys are cleaning, I'm cooking, cleaning and all things I can reach...I feel like a whirling dirvish! Or an octopus on crack!  Then family arrives! We go from egg hunt to food to trinkets to dessert to everyone out the door and a mess to clean up.  I'm beat.  it was such a whirwind weekend! No time to truly reflect on the Lord and His wonderful gift to us but it did allow me to gift others.  My hubs needed to be loved and cared for, my mom needed my help, I was able to prepare food for others and entertain them and hubs was able to rest and be comfortable in his own home while beginning recovery from his fever.  All in all, I guess it was a day of service and that is what the Lord wants for us....to serve others.  I'm glad to have every day to thank Him for His gift of salvation..not just once a year.

Thank you Jesus....for Truth, for Light, for Love.  For forgiveness, for kindness and for showing us that it isn't really about us, but about You. <3

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